Сонники (25 книг доступных бе

by KPDeV

Books & Reference


We have collected the best downers with a choice of active and searching from all the world.dream interpretation, a desire to use them to look into the future - it is an integral part of our lives. Dreams and their hidden meaning of interested people for a long time.Pretty soon it became clear, the interpretation of dreams is not the case is simple: a world that offers them, ambiguous, and bears little resemblance to the reality that surrounds us. For example, in the second century BC the Greeks already had his own dream interpretation, by which priests revealing the mysteries of dreams comers.You can assume that the dream-books do not deserve absolute trust, but to read the interpretation of a dream is worth at least out of curiosity; possible to learn, which means your dream, and you will be able to look at reality through different eyes.In this application include:- English- Astrological- Witch- East Women- Ladies- The Old- Ivanov- Love- Small Veles- Family- Vanga- health Dream- Tsvetkova- Lofa- Nostradamus- Miller- Dream to bitch- characters- Freud- French- The Gypsy- Esoteric